This non-toxic and water resistant glue is used for catching cockroaches (Blatella
germanica), ants and other crawling insects. While handling spread the glue on
a non-absorbing flat material as carton, plastic foil, wooden board etc. It is necessary
to make a flat layer of the glue.
You can use various colours of the boards to prepare signal traps for flying
insects. The colour of the board increases the efficiency for individual species
of insects.
The glue can be use wherever the chemical application is inappropriate or dangerous. It can be used to monitor pests or to create barriers preventing their penetration into the interior of buildings. After use just simply wrap the trap in the paper and dispose of in municipal waste.
Product benefitsThe glue contains a food-based attractant to increase the efficiency. The stickiness and adhesive power of the glue is optimally set so that it is able to catch insects well and still it is easy to squeeze out of the tube. Our glue has high resistance against the sunshine that usually causes a quick degradation of these kinds of glue. When the glue is exposed to the direct sunshine it keeps the adhesiveness for much longer time than other competitive glues.
The shelf life is 10 years from the manufacturing date.
- 8 cartons per layer, 8 layers on the pallet = 64 cartons per pallet
- pallet gross weight: 464 kg
- 2.560 pcs on the pallet
- size of the pallet: 120 x 80 x 185 cm
- pallet cubature: 1,78 m3
- 135 g of the glue in a metallic tube, each tube packed in a paper box, 40 boxes per transport carton
- transport carton size 340 x 290 x 210 mm
- transport carton gross weight: 7 kg
- transport carton cubature: 0,0207 m3