Double sided adhesive paper strip with attractant guaran- teeing efficient trapping of houseflies (Musca domestica). [...]
Panther Africa – Flycatcher
Double sided adhesive paper strip with attractant guaranteeing efficient trapping of houseflies (Musca domestica). [...]
VetroBand – Window Flycatcher
One sided adhesive strip with attractant that ensures effective catching of the house flies (Musca domestica) and common fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). [...]
Window fly trap
(CZE) Dekorativní lapač pro odchyt mouchy domácí (Musca domestica) a dalšího obtížného hmyzu [...]
EcoBand – Flypaper band
One sided adhesive band with printing that increases the attracting effect of the trap. The trap dimension is 325 x 100 mm. The glue contains effective attractant for house flies (Musca Domestica) especially. [...]
Fly Stick – Handy trap for fruit flies and house flies
This is a rigid cylinder fly trap with glue and attractant - no chemicals added. It contains 1 catcher. The Fly Stick is a suitable alternative to the standard roll type flypaper applicable for food handling areas. [...]
Ferokap – Pheromone adhesive tape for monitoring food moths
Double sided adhesive strip containing pheromone which is specifically and solely effective on food moth males of genera Ephestia elutella, Ephestia kuehniella, Ephestia cautella and Plodia interpunctella. [...]
FeroBand – Pheromone adhesive strip for monitoring food moths
One sided adhesive strip that contains pheromone specifically effective for catching food moths males of genera Ephestia elutella, Ephestia kuehniella, Ephestia cautella and Plodia interpunctella. [...]
DressBand – Adhesive tool for monitoring clothes moths
Cardboard strip folded into a triangular shape - the inside surfaces are coated with a non-toxic and environmentally safe pheromone glue which efficiently catches and holds cloth moth males of Tineola bisselliella. [...]
Pheromone adhesive tape for monitoring food and cloth moths
We offer traps with pheromones mixed directly into the glue in a variety of shapes and designs according to customer requirements. [...]
SilverBand – Trap for Silverfish
One sided adhesive strip that is folded into a triangular shape - the inside surfaces are coated with a non-toxic and environmentally safe glue which efficiently catches and holds silverfishes. [...]
StableBand – Flytrap for use in stables and cowsheds
One sided adhesive band 0,3 m wide and 10 m long wrapped into a roll of size 300x55 mm. The roll can be hung up easily by the metal hook at a suitable place. The trap is effective for house flies (Musca domestica) and other kinds of flies that can be found in stables and cowsheds. [...]
StableBand mini – Flytrap for use in stables and cowsheds
(CZE) Jednostranně lepící pás smotaný do rolky a opatřený úchytem ke snadnému zavěšení lapače na vhodné místo. Lapač je určený k odchytu obtížného létavého hmyzu, především mouchy domácí (Musca domestica) ve stájích a chlévech. [...]
InsectBand – Trap for cockroaches and creeping insects
InsectBand can be used at places where cockroaches (Blatella gemanica) and related insects make an unwelcome appearance – in kitchens, dining rooms, storerooms and others. [...]
Traps for cockroaches and crawling insects
We can offer these traps in many shapes and specifications according to our client requests. [...]
BugStop – trap for bed bugs
(CZE) Jednostranně lepicí podložka sloužící k monitoringu výskytu štěnice domácí (Cimex lectularius). [...]
Glueboards for electric fly killers
(CZE) Lepové desky do elektrických lapačů na monitoring létajícího hmyzu [...]
GlueTrap – glue for catching insects
(CZE) Netoxické a voděodolné lepidlo je určeno k odchytu švábů, mravenců a dalšího lezoucího i létajícího hmyzu. [...]
GlueBook – glue board for catching insects
(CZE) Účinná lepová past ve tvaru knihy na odchyt lezoucího hmyzu. [...]
GlueBand – glue board for catching insects and rodents
(CZE) Účinná lepová past na odchyt lezoucího hmyzu. [...]
RataStop – fluorescent soft rodent bait
(CZE) Nástraha k přímému použití ve formě pasty v jednodávkových sáčcích, která hubí myš domácí (Mus musculus) a potkana obecného (Rattus norvegicus). [...]
Rodent bait station and adhesive insect trap, 2 in 1
(CZE) Plastová stanička určená pro bezpečné použití deratizační nástrahy na myši a jiné druhy drobných hlodavců. Součástí balení je lepová past k odchytu lezoucího hmyzu. [...]
Formitox – a bait for ants
Is a special formulation. It effectively exterminates and gets rid of all kinds of ants. Ants often enter buildings in search of food and water, warmth and shelter. [...]
Formitox – chalk against ants
Is highly effective product against ants (Monomorium pharaonis), which often enter buildings. The chalk is perfectly applicable on porous or hard surfaces in residential and non-residential interiors. [...]
Mouse trap – wooden – plywood or beech base
Standard traditional wooden mouse trap. It has a small flat wooden base, a spring trap and wire fastenings. Use cheese, salami, bacon, nuts or other sweet smelling food as a bait. [...]
Mouse trap – metal
Standard traditional spring rat trap with jagged edge and heavy duty metal base and spring. [...]
Mouse trap – metal – black extra easy
It is a jaw spring mousetrap made of metal. Insert a suitable bait, then stretch the trap and secure it. [...]
Mouse trap – plastic
This lightweight snapping mousetrap consists of a set of plastic jaws operated by the coiled spring and triggering mechanism inside the jaws, where the bait is held. [...]
House-shaped mouse trap
This is a zinc plated wire cage trap. It is designed to catch mice or other small rodents alive. [...]
Rat trap – wooden – plywood or beech wood base
Standard traditional beech spring rat trap. [...]
Rat trap – metal
Standard traditional spring rat trap with jagged edge and heavy duty metal base and spring. [...]
Insect swatter
Plastic flyswatter in five options – yellow, red, green, blue and black. [...]
Window net
White or black net that can be fixed into the window frame by a self-adhesive zip. We offer nets in three sizes. [...]
Adhefix solid/liquid – wax for increasing the adhesion of driving belts
(CZE) Účinný přípravek pro zvýšení přilnavosti a konzervování kožených, textilních a plastových hnacích řemenů. [...]