DRESSBAND - Pheromone adhesive strip for monitoring clothes moths
Cardboard strip folded into a triangular shape - the inside surfaces are coated with a non-toxic and environmentally safe pheromone glue which efficiently catches and holds cloth moth males of Tineola bisselliella and Tinea pellionella.
Product benefits
DressBand is convenient, effective and easy-to-use trap with pheromone. It can be hung, fastened or placed anywhere moths can be expected. These traps capture adult male moths and stop the moths reproduction. The trap will therefore reduce the risk of damage on clothes, carpets, furcoats, soft furnishings and upholstery. Each trap is effective up to 3 months.
- 20 carton per layer, 17 layers on the pallet = 340 cartons per pallet
- pallet gross weight: 290 kg
- 16.320 pcs on the pallet
- size of the pallet: 120 x 80 x 185 cm
- pallet cubature: 1,78 m3
- 1 plastic pack contains one trap in a silver foil sachet, 12 packs in display, 4 displays per transport carton
- display size: 277 x 72 x 42 mm
- transport carton size: 290 x 165 x 100 mm
- carton gross weight: 0,79 kg
- carton cubature: 0,0048 m3